Seasons Series Monthly Mailers

$0.99 on the 14th of each month

Our fully-automated printing and mailing service will deliver a jumbo size 6″x11″ postcard to everyone on your mailing list each month.

Enter Estimated Monthly Addresses:

First payment: November 14, 2024

The hassle-free and cost-effective way to supercharge your marketing efforts. Our Automated Postcard Program is here to transform your outreach strategy.

📬 Effortless Marketing: Say goodbye to time-consuming campaign management. Our program handles the hard work for you.

💡 Smart Targeting: Reach your ideal audience with precision and ease.

💰 Budget-Friendly: Achieve high-impact marketing without breaking the bank.

🖌️ Professionally Crafted Content: Our expert team creates compelling postcard content for you each month.

📈 Results-Driven: Watch your marketing efforts translate into tangible results.

Join countless businesses that have already harnessed the power of our Automated Postcard Program to connect with their audience effectively and efficiently. Take the first step toward smarter, hands-free marketing today!