Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to commonly questions about our products, services, and policies. If you need personalized assistance, our customer support is here for you. Your satisfaction is our priority!

Monthly Postcard Subscription Service
How do I get Started with PostcardLeader?

Simply go to START HERE and SUBSCRIBE. No payment is required at the time of subscription. You will receive a follow-up email with complete step-by-step instructions on how to upload your personal content, mailing list, and payment info.

What information will I need to submit after I subscribe?
  • Mailing List Formated in Six Columns of Data (Excel or Numbers File): First Name | Last Name | Address | City | State | Zip)
  • Demographic Information: Your Name, Title, Phone, Email, Website, etc.
  • Images: Headshot, Company Logo, Regulatory Images, etc.
  • (Optional) Call-to-Action: Tagline/Call-to-Action, URL for QR Code
Will I receive a proof of my first postcard before it is printed and mailed out?

We will design your personal branding and apply it to the first postcard in your chosen series. A digital proof will be sent to your email – you will have an opportunity to make any changes you need before your first postcard is printed and mailed. From then on, your branding will remain consistent for future mailings. However, you can request edits to your branding as necessary – free of charge.

How do I update my photo or other contact information?

You can update your information at any time in your account dashboard, branding update, and upload only the information you want to update. Any updates made before the 12th of each month will be reflected on that month’s postcard mailing.

When does each monthly postcard get mailed out?

Postcards are printed and delivered to the post office between the 15th and the 18th. Your customers will receive their postcard before the end of each month.

Am I able to substitute a Custom Design in place of a regularly scheduled design from my chosen postcard series?

After you sign up for PostcardLeader, you will be able to login to your account and click the Order Custom Designs link shown on the Dashboard. This will display an order form where you can request a custom postcard to be designed, printed, and mailed in place of the regularly scheduled postcard from your chosen series. This order MUST be placed by the 8th day of each month to make sure your postcard artwork is ready by the 14th day of each month (this is when postcards are printed and processed for mailing). A $30 art charge will be assessed to your account for custom designs.

When will my credit card be charged?

The credit card you registered in your account will be charged just prior to each mailing on the 14th day of each month.  If the transaction fails, you will be prompted by email to update your credit card.

How do I update my credit card?

Log into your account and click the Payment Methods button and follow the menu prompts.

How do I upload an updated mailing list?

Log into your account and click the Mailing List Update button. Your new list will replace the previous list. If the new mailing address has a different total of addresses this will be reflected on your next invoice.

How should my mailing list be formatted?

Your list should be compiled in an Excel or Numbers program and exported as a .CSV, XLS, XLSX, or .TXT file. (Note: Try to avoid the use of any commas in your entries). It should consist of ONLY six columns of data:  First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip Code.  (Note: You can combine First and Last Name into a single column titled Name for a total of five columns). See image below for an example of the correct formatting.

Am I able to cancel or modify my subscription?

Your subscription can be canceled at anytime prior to the 13th of each month to avoid upcoming mailings. Simply login to your account and click the Subscriptions button and choose Cancel or Pause Subscription if you want to discontinue utilizing Postcard Leader for all future mailings.

Note: Cancellation is not reversible. All data in your account will be deleted. You will be able to sign up again in the future, but with a new account.

Is my Postcard exclusive to the address I’m sending it?

We provide you with sole ownership of your addresses, ensuring that only one Postcard Leader Monthly Mailer will be delivered to each address. Once an address is claimed, it becomes unavailable to others!

More questions?

If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for on this page and you want to speak with someone directly, please contact us.